Clean Up Day in the coastal area of ​​Tanjung Uma

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Kurniawan Hamidi
Gita Prajati
Yosef Adicita
Lina Hanarisanty
Roselyn Indah Kurniati
Rivara Syara Nasution
Handi Wilujeng Nugroho
Zefri Azharman
Agnes Ivanna Hutabarat
Javier Tobias Waoma
Elline Wong
Rifki Batara Royan
Alfath Baihaki Zanbizar


Lack of attention to the cleanliness of the living environment will result in many negative impacts on the residents who live in a settlement or area. Therefore, efforts are needed to maintain environmental balance and reduce the causes of climate change, based on joint sustainable development goals. This effort has been carried out in clean action activities as a form of social concern for the environment in coastal areas, Agas village, Batam City. The waste management mechanism is carried out by reducing the pile of household waste that arises over a certain period by the village community itself. This clean action activity uses a Participatory Rural Appraisal approach combined with the collaboration of local communities and environmentally caring volunteers from World Cleaning Day and social institutions. The results of the service that has been carried out show that the waste management activities carried out include reducing piles of plastic waste with the types PET, HDPE, PS and LDPE weighing 159.5 kg from 4 waste collection points. Meanwhile, the waste handling process is only carried out up to the sorting stage at the temporary waste disposal site for sale or functional reuse.

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How to Cite
Hamidi, K., Prajati, G., Adicita, Y., Hanarisanty, L., Kurniati, R. I., Nasution, R. S., Nugroho, H. W., Azharman, Z., Hutabarat, A. I., Bima, Waoma, J. T., Wong, E., Royan, R. B., & Zanbizar, A. B. (2024). Clean Up Day in the coastal area of ​​Tanjung Uma. RECORD: Journal of Loyality and Community Development, 1(2), 63-69.

How to Cite

Hamidi, K., Prajati, G., Adicita, Y., Hanarisanty, L., Kurniati, R. I., Nasution, R. S., Nugroho, H. W., Azharman, Z., Hutabarat, A. I., Bima, Waoma, J. T., Wong, E., Royan, R. B., & Zanbizar, A. B. (2024). Clean Up Day in the coastal area of ​​Tanjung Uma. RECORD: Journal of Loyality and Community Development, 1(2), 63-69.


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