The Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation, and Work Culture on Teacher Performance at MTsN 2 Jember
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Leadership emerged along with the rise of human civilization, starting from a time when prophets and human ancestors gathered and collaborated to sustain their existence. The leadership of a school principal plays a crucial role in determining quality; without good leadership, the process of quality improvement cannot be carried out or realized. The principal's leadership influence is not merely in the form of instructions but more as motivation or a trigger that can inspire teachers and staff, enabling their initiative and creativity to develop optimally to enhance their performance. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of leadership style, work motivation, and work culture on teacher performance at MTsN 2 Jember. This research employs a descriptive quantitative method with 44 teachers as respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS. The results show that the leadership style variable, when analyzed partially, does not have a significant influence on teacher performance. Similarly, the work motivation variable, when analyzed partially, does not have a significant influence on teacher performance. However, the work culture variable, when analyzed partially, has a significant influence on teacher performance. Collectively, leadership style, work motivation, and work culture simultaneously have a significant influence on teacher performance
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