Hubungan Anemia Pada Kehamilan Dengan Kejadian Abortus di RSUD Dr. Abdul Aziz Kota Singkawang
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Anemia in pregnancy often occurs apart from being caused by hormonal factors during pregnancy, this incident needs to be given appropriate treatment so that it does not pose a risk to the fetus or even lead to abortion in pregnant women. Maternal deaths in Indonesia are caused by bleeding (42%), pregnancy poisoning, eclampsia (13%), miscarriage/abortion 11%), infection (10%), obstructed labor/prolonged labor (9%) and other causes (15%). This research is an analytical survey, while the design used is a case control design, which is said to be because analytical research uses a "retrospective" approach. Data collection was carried out on 20-21 August 2019. This research was carried out at RSUD Dr. Abdul Aziz Singkawang. The population used in this research was all 1,298 pregnant women registered at Abdul Aziz Singkawang Hospital in 2018. The sample in this study had 93 cases of abortion, while the control sample was 93 cases with a ratio of 1:1 so the sample and case control size in this study was 186 cases. The sampling technique for cases was total sampling, while for controls, systematic random sampling was taken. This research variable consists of a dependent variable, namely anemia in pregnant women and an independent variable, namely the incidence of abortion. Data analysis using univariate analysis aims to determine the frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using Chi Square analysis to determine the relationship between anemia in pregnancy and the incidence of abortion. There is a relationship between anemia in pregnancy and abortion at RSUD dr. Abdul Aziz Singkawang 2018. Where the pvalue = 0.001 (pvalue < 0.05). It can be seen from the OR value = 3.029 (1.641-5.592) that mothers who experience anemia during pregnancy have a 3.029 times risk of having an abortion than mothers who are not anemic
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