Training and Assistance in the Use of DJP Applications to Motivate Khairul Imam IT High School Teachers in Preparing Financial Statements and Online Tax Reporting

Main Article Content

Dhita Adriani Rangkuti
Dwita Sakuntala
Jholant B. L Amelia Br. Sinaga
Yeni Rafita Sihombing
Mila Yulia Herosian
Khomeiny Yunior


The benefits of technology are also increasingly sophisticated and make it easier for educators to carry out all tasks such as using a computer or laptop in preparing reports and learning using visual media, preparing annual reports such as tax payments can also be done online using the online DGT application. Motivation itself is a change in energy within (personal) a person which is indicated by the appearance of feelings and reactions to achieve goals. This training was held to motivate Khairul Imam IT High School teachers to prepare financial and online tax reports. This activity was carried out in June 2024, with as many as 20 people participating in the activity and 6 lecturers who also acted as resource persons.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rangkuti, D. A., Sakuntala, D. ., Br. Sinaga, J. B. L. A. ., Sihombing, Y. R., Herosian, M. Y. ., & Yunior, K. . (2024). Training and Assistance in the Use of DJP Applications to Motivate Khairul Imam IT High School Teachers in Preparing Financial Statements and Online Tax Reporting. RECORD: Journal of Loyality and Community Development, 1(2), 80-82.
Author Biographies

Dhita Adriani Rangkuti, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

Dwita Sakuntala, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

Jholant B. L Amelia Br. Sinaga, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

Yeni Rafita Sihombing, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

Mila Yulia Herosian, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

Khomeiny Yunior, Universitas Prima Indonesia

Department of Management

How to Cite

Rangkuti, D. A., Sakuntala, D. ., Br. Sinaga, J. B. L. A. ., Sihombing, Y. R., Herosian, M. Y. ., & Yunior, K. . (2024). Training and Assistance in the Use of DJP Applications to Motivate Khairul Imam IT High School Teachers in Preparing Financial Statements and Online Tax Reporting. RECORD: Journal of Loyality and Community Development, 1(2), 80-82.


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