Open Access Policy

The Journal of Lorem (Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems) is committed to the principles of open access, aiming to make high-quality research freely and universally accessible. Our open access policy is aligned with the belief that unrestricted access to scholarly knowledge fosters global collaboration and accelerates the advancement of science and technology.

Key Points:

Accessibility for All:

All articles published in the Journal of Lorem are freely available to the global community, promoting widespread access to knowledge without financial barriers.

Creative Commons License:

Published articles are typically licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This allows users to share, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, with proper attribution to the authors.

Global Impact:

Open access enhances the global impact of research, reaching a broader audience of academics, researchers, professionals, and the public.

Author Retention of Copyright:

Authors retain the copyright to their work, granting the journal a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and archive the article.

No Article Processing Charges (APCs):

The Journal of Lorem does not impose Article Processing Charges (APCs) on authors. The open access model is sustained through institutional support and philanthropic contributions.

Indexing and Archiving:

Open access articles are indexed in various databases, repositories, and search engines, ensuring long-term preservation and discoverability.


Open access promotes inclusivity by breaking down barriers to information access, benefitting researchers in resource-limited settings and fostering a more equitable dissemination of knowledge.

Transparent Funding Model:

The funding model supporting open access is transparently communicated to authors and readers. Financial contributors, if any, are acknowledged.

Supporting Open Science:

The Journal of Lorem actively supports the principles of open science, encouraging data sharing, transparency, and collaboration among researchers.

Evolution of Open Access Policies:

The journal is committed to staying abreast of developments in open access and evolving its policies to align with emerging best practices.

By embracing open access, the Journal of Lorem aims to contribute to the democratization of knowledge, foster innovation, and create a more interconnected global research community. Authors, readers, and stakeholders are invited to participate in this collaborative journey towards advancing scientific and technological understanding.