Publication Frequency

The Journal of Lorem (Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems) follows a systematic publication schedule to maintain a balance between timely dissemination of research and ensuring the high quality and integrity of each issue. The publication frequency for the journal is set at two to three times per year.

Key Points Regarding Publication Frequency:

  • Regular Biannual/Triannual Publication:

    The Journal of Lorem is committed to publishing two to three issues per year on a regular basis. This frequency ensures a steady flow of cutting-edge research in computational engineering and computer information systems.

  • Timely Dissemination of Research:

    The chosen publication frequency aims to provide authors and readers with timely access to the latest advancements in the field. Authors can anticipate efficient handling of their submissions and a prompt publication process.

  • Quality Assurance:

    The biannual/triannual publication schedule allows the editorial team to focus on rigorous peer review, ensuring the publication of high-quality and impactful research.

  • Varied Content in Each Issue:

    Each issue will encompass a diverse range of topics within the scope of computational engineering and computer information systems, offering readers a comprehensive overview of recent developments.

  • Submission Deadlines:

    Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts according to the deadlines specified on the journal's website. Clear submission deadlines facilitate effective editorial planning and ensure a smooth production process.

  • Online First Publication:

    Accepted articles may be published online ahead of the print version, providing early access to the research community.

  • Consistency and Predictability:

    The consistent publication schedule enhances the predictability of the journal's availability, allowing researchers, academics, and industry professionals to plan their engagement with the journal effectively.

  • Communication of Publication Dates:

    The specific publication dates for each issue will be communicated well in advance, allowing authors and readers to plan accordingly.

  • Flexibility for Special Issues:

    In addition to regular issues, the journal may occasionally publish special issues or thematic collections to address emerging trends or specific topics of interest.

  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

    Lorem welcomes feedback from authors and readers regarding the publication frequency and other aspects of the journal, as part of its commitment to continuous improvement.

By adhering to this publication frequency, the Journal of Lorem aims to maintain a dynamic and relevant platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the ever-evolving fields of computational engineering and computer information systems.


Authors are encouraged to carefully review and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth submission and review process. By contributing to the Journal of Lorem, authors play a vital role in advancing the field of computational engineering and computer information systems. Lorem looks forward to receiving high-quality contributions that will enrich the scholarly discourse in this interdisciplinary domain.