Publication Ethics

The Journal of Lorem (Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. Authors, reviewers, and editorial staff are expected to adhere to the following principles:

Authorship and Originality:

Authors must ensure that submitted work is original and properly attributed. All contributors to the manuscript should be acknowledged as authors.

Plagiarism and Attribution:

Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. Proper citation and attribution of sources, including one's own work, are essential.

Conflicts of Interest:

Authors, reviewers, and editors should disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the integrity of the research or review process.

Peer Review Integrity:

The peer review process is conducted objectively, with confidentiality maintained. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback and disclose any conflicts of interest.

Data Integrity and Transparency:

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data. Transparent reporting and open sharing of data and methodologies are encouraged.

Timeliness and Responsiveness:

Authors and reviewers should adhere to timelines set by the journal. Authors are expected to respond promptly to queries and review feedback.

Ethical Treatment of Subjects:

Research involving human or animal subjects must comply with ethical standards, and appropriate approvals should be obtained.

Multiple Submission and Redundancy:

Manuscripts should not be simultaneously submitted to multiple journals. Redundant publication is not allowed.

Compliance with Guidelines:

Authors should follow the journal's guidelines for manuscript preparation. Failure to comply may result in rejection.

Responsible Editing and Retraction:

Editors will handle manuscripts impartially. In cases of ethical concerns or errors, retractions or corrections will be issued transparently.

The Journal of Lorem is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards to ensure the credibility and integrity of the research published. Violations of these ethical guidelines may result in corrective actions, including rejection of manuscripts or bans on future submissions.