Classification of Student Readiness for Educational Unit Exams: Decision Tree Approach C4.5 Based on Try Out Scores at MTs Nahdlatul Arifin
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The National Examination, which has now changed to an Educational Unit Examination which is held every year by the Government, has become the school's concentration in preparation for it. In this case, each school has its own way of preparing students to be ready to face the Education Unit Examination. Classifying students in readiness for the Educational Unit Examination is one way for the school to do so. MTs Nahdlatul Arifin is one of the schools that implements this. Classifying students based on the scores from the Try Out results held by the school is a method carried out by MTs Nahdlatul Arifin. Along with advances in technology, classifying student grades can be done using Data Mining with several algorithms. However, in this research a comparison of several algorithms has been carried out. Compared with the Weka tools, the C4.5 algorithm was finally chosen for this research. The number of classifications carried out with correct results on a total of 100 student data is 20 + 33 + 39 = 92 and the number of classifications carried out with incorrect results is 2 + 2 + 4 = 8. So the accuracy of this model is (92/100) = 0.92 or 92%.
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