Analysis of User Acceptance Factors in KAI Access Mobile Application Using the Unified Technology of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Method

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Muhammad Tsabit Al-Azmi
Windy Eka Yulia Retnani
Januar Adi Putra
Eko Afrianto


KAI Access is a mobile-based application released by PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. The various features that can be accessed from this application include ticket reservations, view train departure schedules and the availability of train tickets. The KAI Access application was main goal is to making it easier for the public to purchase train tickets online. Based on the assessment on the Google Playstore, the application has received a fairly good rating value, but the rating value cannot indicate any shortcomings that are still experienced in the implementation of the application. Therefore, to find out what shortcomings are still experienced in the implementation of the KAI Access application, this study was conducted which aims to analyze the factors that affect the acceptance of the KAI Access Application users based on the variables contained in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model ( UTAUT). It is hoped that by knowing what factors can affect user acceptance, PT. KAI can make several improvements to maximize the use of various features in the Application. If improvements are not made, there is a possibility that user interest in using the application will decrease so that the initial purpose of using the application is not achieved properly. This study involved a number of 349 respondents as a sample of the population of users of the KAI Access application. The data obtained were then analyzed using SMARTPLS. The results of this study are expected to be an evaluation for parties for future application development in order to increase application use rate.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Tsabit Al-Azmi, Windy Eka Yulia Retnani, Januar Adi Putra, & Eko Afrianto. (2024). Analysis of User Acceptance Factors in KAI Access Mobile Application Using the Unified Technology of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Method. LOREM: Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems, 1(1), | Page 36 - 47.

How to Cite

Muhammad Tsabit Al-Azmi, Windy Eka Yulia Retnani, Januar Adi Putra, & Eko Afrianto. (2024). Analysis of User Acceptance Factors in KAI Access Mobile Application Using the Unified Technology of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Method. LOREM: Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems, 1(1), | Page 36 - 47.


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