Knowledge Management Solution Identifying the Right KM Solution Case Study: Digilib Library Information System

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Alwan Abiyu putra
Abdul Fatah Rahanar
Muhammad Fatikhul Amal
Tasya Setyowardhani


Libraries are knowledgeable organizations that is very valuable. It can be explicit knowledge, such as books, journals, and documents, as well as implicit knowledge, such as employee experience and skills. Knowledge management (KM) is the process of managing knowledge to improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. KM can help libraries to improve services, reduce costs, and increase innovation. Identifying the right KM solution is an important process for libraries to undertake. This process can help the library to choose the most appropriate KM solution to meet its needs. In this journal, the authors use a case study of Digilib Library Information System to show how the KM solution identification process can be carried out. The authors found that the KM solution identification process consists of three stages, the needs analysis stage, the solution evaluation stage, and the solution selection stage. Based on the research results, the author concludes that the process of identifying the right KM solution is a complex process and requires the involvement of various parties. However, this process is important to do so that the library can choose the most appropriate KM solution to meet its needs.


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How to Cite
Alwan Abiyu Putra, -, A. F. R., -, M. F. A., & -, T. S. (2024). Knowledge Management Solution Identifying the Right KM Solution Case Study: Digilib Library Information System. LOREM: Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems, 1(1), | Page 48 - 60.

How to Cite

Alwan Abiyu Putra, -, A. F. R., -, M. F. A., & -, T. S. (2024). Knowledge Management Solution Identifying the Right KM Solution Case Study: Digilib Library Information System. LOREM: Computational Engineering and Computer Information Systems, 1(1), | Page 48 - 60.


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